The right foundations changes everything
The Digital Renaissance

How Fossil Group is Transforming its Business with SAP

Get the Inside Scoop at SAPinsider 2023

By Clay Thomas, Principal, Argano

Digital transformation, or a move from on-prem, legacy-based applications to hosted and cloud-accessible subscription applications, is crucial for companies looking to gain a competitive edge in today’s marketplace. Leading organizations are responding to disruptions by deploying wide-ranging capability solutions like SAP, addressing customer expectations, and fostering growth and innovation. Newer collaborative, agile and deeper network solve capabilities in these tools are helping companies better adapt to shifting markets and better address customer service challenges that recent global events have significantly impacted.

Argano understands the importance of digital transformation and works with companies to develop tailored solutions that address their unique challenges. One such company is Fossil Group. Fossil sought to develop a more comprehensive understanding of its clients’ needs. To achieve this objective, Argano worked with Fossil to also update and streamline their IT infrastructure. Fossil’s digital transformation resulted in quicker planning, data-driven decision making, and improved agility for meeting customer demands in a dynamic marketplace.

Interested in learning more about Fossil’s digital transformation journey? Get a first-hand account at the SAPinsider conference on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. PST. In our session, Argano Principal Scott Eisenberg and Fossil Director of IT Supply Chain Larry Randolph will talk about:

  • Choosing capability now, revising integration or data models later.
  • Considering core ERP and supply chain planning requirements.
  • Scoring progress to date, challenges encountered and current roadmap.

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